Sales NOT Selling
A podcast on how to be successful at sales while still being your authentic self.
Topics will include follow-up, communications, super-sizing your sales, referrals, goals and so much more. Stacy Garrett has created short podcasts that will give you quick tips and tricks to help you in sales and business.
Stacy has been a sales professional for 25 years and has seen exceptional growth while being her authentic self. As a leader in the promotional products arena she has worked with sales professionals from all different sectors and has used that knowledge to create this podcast to help you be your best sales professional.
Podcasting since 2020 • 64 episodes
Sales NOT Selling
Latest Episodes
Episode 64 - Putting Yourself Out There
In this episode of Sales NOT Selling, Stacy Garrett talks how important it is to put yourself out there in order to accomplish big things in your work and life. With real life examples from speaking engagements, getting a new client and even st...
Season 5
Episode 64

Episode 63 - In Person Networking
In this episode of Sales NOT Selling, Stacy Garrett talks about the value of in-person networking events and some tips to make the most of them. Check out our website at: https://www.salesnotselling.com/ LinkedIn Page: htt...
Season 5
Episode 63

Episode 62 - Planning For The New Year
In this episode of Sales NOT Selling, Stacy Garrett dives into ways to plan for success in the new year. Think of it as goal setting, new years resolutions or whatever you would like but just make it happen. Check out our website a...
Season 4
Episode 62

Episode 61 - People Buy From People
In this episode of Sales NOT Selling, Stacy Garrett talks about how people buy from people and not from companies and gives some tips to make sure you are getting business to you as a person. Check out our website at: https://www.s...
Season 4
Episode 61

Episode 60 - Be the Expert - Life Long Learning
In this episode of Sales NOT Selling, Stacy Garrett how you can become the expert in your field by always learning. Check out our website at: https://www.salesnotselling.com/ LinkedIn Page: https://www.LinkedIn.com/company...
Season 4
Episode 60